
Thrifty Business

So Target has some awesome business basics and thank goodness! With rayon prices going up 40% and the price of cotton, up 100%, a girl needs a break!

Comfortable, chic and cheap! This lovely grey dress was only $29.99!

For an office on the go, this faux alligator tote was also only $29.99!

But you guys know me. I'm not all Target all the time. The next day I strolled on over to the Old Mill Antique Mall with my friend Cathy. I was looking for a business card holder and guess what I found upstairs across from the weird toy section...



  1. I want that bag! Loved the pics!!! and you have inspired me!!!
    Can you be my stylist???

  2. I'm famous!! I wish my dad would take me shopping! I guess I never mastered "the pout" :)

  3. Hi, I found your blog through Lord Maxwell's, and I wanted to say that I love the Target dress! I wore one that looks similar to it to work yesterday and everyone thought that I was going on an interview. My secret is that I was out til 1 am and didn't want to bother matching a shirt and pants AND shoes that day! Score for dresses and concealer.

  4. April, I totally agree with you! There is nothing like a beautifully basic dress and some Bobbi Brown concealer.
    Cheers to you and to Lord Maxwell :)

  5. Dear April, thank you for reading, and if you ever care to send a photo of yourself looking spiffy in said dress, I'd be delighted to entertain it for my blog.
    And dear Silver Spoon,thank you for what I believe you youngsters call a "shout out".
    Cheers, indeed!
    Lord Maxwell
